kilka linków dla polecanych ;-)

* * * * * * * * * * *

--wymiana banerkow from

niedziela, 29 stycznia 2012

Kim Kardashian charged for piracy - Anonymous and Legion

all artickle -

Kim Kardashian and other celebrities star in a promotional YouTube video for Megaupload. On Thurs., Jan 19, federal investigators charged 7 foreigners (not including Kardashian or the other endorsers) connected to the site with piracy.

Federal prosecutors have shut down one of the world's largest file-sharing sites,, on charges of violating piracy laws -- a day after a 24-hour blackout of popular websites such as Wikipedia drew national attention to the issue.

The indictment accuses seven individuals and two corporations -- Megaupload Limited and Vestor Limited -- of costing copyright holders more than $500 million in lost revenue from pirated films and other content. It was unsealed on Thursday, and claims that at one point Megaupload was the 13th most popular website in the world.

Anonymous' hackers take down Justice Department site
over Megaupload shutdown


A promotional video for added to YouTube in December 2011 features celebrity endorsements from Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, and other popular musicians.

Megaupload was unique not only because of its massive size and the volume of downloaded content, but also because it had high-profile support from celebrities, musicians and other content producers who are most often the victims of copyright infringement and piracy. Before the website was taken down, it contained endorsements from Kim Kardashian, Alicia Keys and Kanye West, among others.

Relieved users welcome Wikipedia's return
after 24-hour blackout


The individuals in the criminal enterprise each faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison on racketeering charges, five years for conspiracy to commit copyright infringement, 20 years on money laundering charges and five years on related charges.

Megaupload was led by colorful Australian Kim Dotcom -- aka Kim Schmitz, or Kim Tim Jim Vestor. He is a a resident of both Hong Kong and New Zealand, and a dual citizen of Finland and Germany, who legally changed his last name to "Dotcom."

The website's founder and "chief innovation officer" was once convicted of a felony but has repeatedly denied engaging in piracy, according to -- and he made more than $42 million from the conspiracy in 2010 alone, according to the indictment.

A group called Anonymous announced the demolition of the popular social networking site This group is very powerful and has collapsed the best-kept government computer systems such as the CIA, NATO and some well-known corporations such as Sony.

-- What It Is and Why It’s Bad

The Truth
about SOPA


The indictment comes the day after a 24-hour "blackout" of Wikipedia, a protest doodle on the homepage of Google, and numerous other protests across the Internet against proposed anti-piracy legislation that many leading websites -- including Reddit, Google, Facebook, Amazon and others -- contend will make it challenging if not impossible for them to operate.

Online piracy from China and elsewhere is a massive problem for the media industry, one that costs as much as $250 billion per year and costs the industry 750,000 jobs, according to a 2008 statement by Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.


...naughty Kids... Czy one dostaly dyspense od praw autorskich

...czy także im grożą restrykcje za niepłacenie licencji ???

Mimo wszystko RAZEM damy IM rade

click on image below for BIG Format to your desctop

... for more turnedUP wallpaper click Your not let Us locked in cages !!!

wtorek, 24 stycznia 2012

Partia Piratow vs ACTA - 26-01-2012

źródło >>> - Partia_Piratow_chce_wyjsc_w_srode_na_ulice

W 26 największych miastach Polski w środę mają się odbyć protesty przeciwko podpisywaniu międzynarodowego traktatu ACTA. - Ten dokument ograniczy wolność w internecie - mówi Radek Pietroń, szef polskiej Partii Piratów, która skrzykuje manifestantów na Facebooku.

Maciej Sandecki: Zwolennicy podpisania ACTA mówią, że nie wnosi ona nic nowego, co w polskim prawie nie jest już regulowane, i wyszydzają piratów za to, że podnoszą w tej sprawie larum.

Radek Pietroń: To odwrócę pytanie: skoro ten dokument nie ma żadnego wpływu na polskie prawodawstwo, to po co mamy go podpisywać? Od pięciu lat partie piratów w Europie i Stanach Zjednoczonych monitorują proces kształtowania się tego prawa.

Również my w Polsce uczestniczyliśmy w spotkaniu z premierem i pytaliśmy o ACTA już dwa lata temu. Dostaliśmy odpowiedź, że nic nie może być ujawnione, bo to może zaszkodzić negocjacjom, że to umowa handlowa. Podobne odpowiedzi dostawali działacze partii piratów z innych państw. Znany jest przypadek szwedzkiego polityka, który wystąpił do Parlamentu Europejskiego o ujawnienie dokumentów negocjacyjnych w sprawie ACTA. Dokument otrzymał - ale był cały zaczerniony. Dlaczego rządy państw i PE boją się ujawnić, co w ramach tego dokumentu zostało wynegocjowane?

Na avatar dotyczący walki z ACTA zmienić polecam

No właśnie, dlaczego?

- Możemy się domyślać, ale efekty już mamy. Zaraz po tym jak ACTA podpisała Nowa Zelandia, zamknięto Megaupload, jeden z najbardziej popularnych na świecie serwisów służących do wymiany plików [znaczną część plików w Megaupload stanowiły pirackie kopie muzyki czy filmów, ale serwis służył też do udostępniania legalnych plików]. To wywołało powszechne oburzenie, bo dotknęło użytkowników na całym globie.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

też zauważyłem blokowanie MegaUpload'u ;(
...ale pozostało kilka innych serwisów..

pomimo wyłączenia MUpload'u
udało mi sie ściagnąć do RAMu filmik

"Idealny facet dla mojej dziewczyny
/ The Perfect Guy for My Girlfriend "

teraz akurat do obejżenia z Videoweed
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Powszechnie wiadomo, że za ACTA lobbowały wielkie koncerny, które wydają ogromne pieniądze na ograniczanie wolności w internecie, bo nie rozumieją, że handel w sieci odbywa się na innych zasadach niż tradycyjny. Przepisy, które próbuje się nam narzucić, spowodują np., że będziesz mógł kupić muzykę w sieci, ale już nie będziesz mógł jej dać do posłuchania rodzinie, bo złamiesz prawo. To absurd. Podobnie jest z nałożeniem sankcji na dostawców internetu za to, że użytkownicy będą przesyłać sobie nielegalne treści. To tak, jakbyś kupił książkę, skserował ją, wysłał pocztą przyjacielowi, a za ten nielegalny czyn miałaby odpowiadać Poczta Polska.

W środę organizujecie protesty przeciwko podpisywaniu ACTA w 26 miastach w Polsce. Myślisz, że uda się wam zablokować ten dokument?

- W całej Europie odbywają się protesty. Holandia ogłosiła właśnie, że nie podpisze ACTA, dopóki nie zostaną ujawnione wszystkie kulisy negocjacji. Podobnie wypowiadają się państwa skandynawskie, Niemcy, Szwajcarzy, kraje bałkańskie. W Parlamencie Europejskim jest również duża opozycja przeciwna podpisywaniu tego dokumentu, właściwie jednoznacznie popiera go tylko Francja. Polska udzieliła wstępnej zgody na podpisanie ACTA, ale jeśli tego nie zrobi, nie czeka nas za to żadna sankcja.

Gdy cztery lata temu pisałem o was tekst, mówiliście, że się rejestrujecie jako partia, a okauje się, że nie jesteście zarejestrowani.

- Byliśmy legalnie zarejestrowaną partią przez dwa lata, ale w ubiegłym roku PKW wykreśliła nas z rejestru partii, bo o dzień spóźniliśmy się z rozliczeniem finansowym. Zarzucono nam też, że brakuje w nim rozliczenia za wynajem sali na nasz kongres, podczas gdy nic nie płaciliśmy za tę salę, bo pewne stowarzyszenie nam jej użyczyło za darmo. Będziemy więc ponownie zbierać podpisy i w tym roku jeszcze raz się zarejestrujemy.

Źródło: Gazeta Wyborcza
Maciej Sandecki, Gdańsk2012-01-24, ostatnia aktualizacja 2012-01-23 21:07

ps... żart Kuby Wojewódzkiego

Kuba Wojewódzki postanowił zostać hakerem i wraz z Michałem Figurskim zablokował stronę internetową gminy Gnojno,, na antenie radia Eska Rock. Wojewódzki przeprowadził atak hakerski dla żartu. ?!?!..?

PS #2 - ciekawie wytłumaczone Akty Prawne ACTA czekające na podpisanie

P# -3- nadchodzi...czai się..ACTA !!!
.......a taką Umowę Społeczną mamy już od dawna

środa, 11 stycznia 2012

New interesting YIELD2Me

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Making money online is fun and easy. It is a job one do part-time online and have a financial freedom without you giving up what you currently do. It is also, a sure way of serving people by helping them to achieve their dreams. One way of reaching your goal by making money online is by be persistence, focus and be determine. There is nothing worthwhile that happen in hurry so be patience. Impatience have got many in the wrong position and they are prone to suffer it. How many of us would want to warm our hands by burning our fingers. Remember, haste make waste and the one with the greatest success is the one that solve the biggest problem. Really no one care to know how much you know until, they know how much you care. Life is more like tennis, the best server win the game. Thanks



Wireless cell phone video surveillance solution is here adding a sense of private protection and safety it offers you real-time video monitoring.

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How does cell surveillance work:

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No particular application for your cell phone is needed.

All about mobile video surveillance.

poniedziałek, 9 stycznia 2012

piątek, 6 stycznia 2012

Football legend Robbie Savage posed for Cosmopolitans February centerfold

source: Robbie Savage poses naked

Savage has just finished taking part in the ninth series of Strictly, where he sizzled onscreen with a natural flair and chemistry with partner Ola Jordan.

As the series progressed, both dancers seemed to turn a deeper shade of orange as they heaped on the fake tan along with their sequins and stage costumes

In the picture below, the 37-year-old flaunts his 6ft 1in frame as she lounges on a chair, displaying his array of tattoos and incredibly toned physique and flat stomach.

Click below to enlarge

Robbie Savage has gone all haute couture on us; posing nude with a sultry expression against the backdrop of a stark room with shards of light filtering through the window to illuminate his locks. But before you guffaw at Goldilocks, the Strictly Come Dancing star has stripped off not solely for the ladies or an ego boost - but in honour of Everyman's testicular cancer campaign.

The football legend, who stripped to his birthday suit as the naked centrefold for Cosmopolitan, revealed he feels nude without his fake tan on now his time on the BBC show has come to an end.

However, despite their popularity, it was McFly drummer Harry Judd and professional dancer Aliona Vilani who were crowned champions. Robbie said: 'When I was playing football, I felt naked without my boots on. Now, doing Strictly Come Dancing, I feel naked without fake tan!'

Thankfully Robbie will get another chance to lather on a layer of crimson skin as she joins the Strictly tour from January 20 to February 26. The father-of-two also said the disease is close to his heart after friend and former Celtic footballer John Hartson was diagnosed.

He said: 'Everyman's testicular cancer campaign is close to my heart. My friend John Hartson found a lump, but put off seeing a doctor for three years - it nearly cost him his life.' In July 2009, Hartson, 36, received chemotherapy after being diagnosed with testicular cancer which had spread to his brain.

It was later reported the cancer had spread to his lungs and that he remained in a 'critical condition' following emergency surgery. However, the treatment was successful and by December of that year it was reported that Harston's cancer had been virtually eradicated.

Despite his affections for being Tango-ed, one show Robbie certainly isn't ready to take part in yet, is Dancing On Ice. During a Twitter debate with a fan, he wrote: 'No pal the next jamesbond !! 008 licence to thrust !!

source: Robbie Savage poses naked

wtorek, 3 stycznia 2012

Putin to ma klawe życie

nic tylko pozazdrościć urozmaiconych zajęć odstresowujących

na podstawie

*..scroll down for new ElectVideo ;-)

We all know Vladimir Putin. At least we know who he is, yet after watching these photos, we had no idea. Here’s a short list of things you might not know:

-He successfully restored the territorial integrity of Russia
-During Putin’s presidency poverty decrease by more than 50%
-Putin was designated the Person of the Year by Time Magazine
-He’s running the biggest country in the world, and did so for the past 12 years.

Russian Prime Minister Putin rides with enthusiasts during his visit to a bike festival in the southern Russian city of Novorossiisk

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin fishes on holiday on the Volga River in Astrakhan region, about 1280 kilometers south from Moscow on August 16, 2011.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin seen on a motor boat before visiting the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery, Republic of Karelia, Russia, 14 August 2011.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (front) after going scuba diving in Taman Bay to view the so-called 'Russian Atlantis', the submerged part of the ancient Greek city of Phanagoria on Taman Peninsula, which Putin visited to tour the camp of archaeologists that conduct excavations of the ancient city, Krasnodarsky region, Russia, 10 August 2011.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin climbs on a wall during his visit to the Seliger 2011 National Youth Forum near Lake Seliger, Tver region, Russia, 01 August 2011.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (R) in ice hockey equipment hits a puck while taking part in young hockey players' training prior to the 'Golden Puck' tournament final at Luzhniki Arena stadium in Moscow, Russia, 15 April 2011.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (front L) attends a judo training session at the Moskovsky sports and recreation center in St. Petersburg, Russia

A picture made available on 11 December 2010 shows Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin playing a piano during a charity concert for children stricken with cancer and eye diseases in St. Petersburg, Russia

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin plays pool during informal meeting with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at the Bocharov Ruchei presidential residence in Sochi, Russia

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin during test driving a Renault F 1 race car on a track outside St. Petersburg, Russia, 07 November 2010. The head of government was driving the car for a few hours on a special track at 240 kilometers per hour.

The complete hunter.....Wearing camouflage fatigues for his hunting trip, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin wades through thick undergrowth in his pursuit of game in the Ubsunur Hollow Biosphere Preserve in Tuva Republic, Russia in this recent, but undated, photo released 30 October 2010 by RIA Novosti.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin aims a crossbow as he sails aboard a rubber motorboat during a scientific expedition to study grey whales in Olga Bay in the Kronotsky Nature preserve in Kamchatka, Russia 25 August 2010. Vladimir Putin was invited to joint the procedure of taking whales' skin samples for identification the population the whales belong to.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is seen in a BE-200 firefighting aircraft flying over the Ryazan region, Russia 10 August 2010. Vladimir Putin took part in the firefighting action as the second pilot of the aircraft. The government's handling of the Russian wildfires has sent the popularity ratings of President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin tumbling, according to surveys released on 10 August. Firefighters in Russia had yet to make significant headway against the worst wildfires in the countryës history on Tuesday despite international help, with more than 550 fires still burning, the Interfax news agency reported

(...miał misiek szczęście że trafił na fachowca...)

A picture made available on 29 April 2010 shows Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (R) assisting in examining a 231kg polar bear while visiting the Alexandra Land island, part of the Franz Josef Land archipalego in the Arctic Ocean in April 2010. Vladimir Putin took part in the polar bears research scientific expedition organized by the Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution.

A picture made available on 27 March 2010 of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (R) and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (L) skiing at the Krasnaya Polyana mountain ski resort near Black sea resort of Sochi, Russia

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin rides a horse in Karatash area near the town of Abakan while on a working trip to Khakassia, Russia 25 February 2010. Republic of Khakassia is part of the Russian Federation located in south central Siberia some 4400km from Moscow

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (L) and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin sit on snowmobiles as they chat in Krasnaya Polyana near the Black Sea resort of Sochi, in southern Russia

( i tę niedogodność musi znosić jak na męża stanu przystoi..)

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (R) visits an helicopter during the "Russian national exhibition" showcasing Franco-Russian ties on June 11, 2010 at the Grand Palais in Paris. Putin is on an official visit in France, including talks with President Nicolas Sarkozy expected to touch on the controversial sale of a French warship to Moscow. AFP PHOTO / FRANCOIS GUILLOT

..chętnie zmierzyłbym się z nim w singlu..tylko na równych prawach
-- i bez strzelania do sędziego /patrz video na dole/

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (L) and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, accompanied by a dog, play badminton at the presidential residence in Sochi on August 14, 2009. Putin and Medvedev recently spent a night on the town watching the Russian national football team in action at a local bar.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin swims the butterfly during his vacation outside the town of Kyzyl in Southern Siberia on August 3, 2009.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin drives an outboard motorboat during his vacation outside the town of Kyzyl in Southern Siberia on August 3, 2009. AFP PHOTO

This pool picture provided 03 September 2007 shows Russian President Vladimir Putin carrying a hunting rifle in the Republic of Tuva, 15 August 2007. Putin is scheduled to visit Australia for the ASEAN conference starting this week.

..tym razem Pan Kotek był chory...więc trzeba wezwać fachowca...

Vladimir Putin holds a five-year-old tiger's head as scientists put a collar with a satellite tracker on the animal in the academy of sciences Ussuri reserve in Russia's Far East, on August 31, 2008.


..nuu thiaa ;-) na Jego miejscu ...mając taaaką władze...i TAKIE Rozrywki...też pewnie bym walczył o jej, ich utrzymanie...choćby w sposób pokazany ponizej...

Jwoww Bikini no string sexy sophisticated

source :

Who knew you would need a blow dryer to don a bikini? With Jwoww’s new bikini line in collaboration with Perfect Tan Lines, the duo has launched a line of bikinis that have no strings attached.

Yup, Jenni ‘Jwoww’ Farley of The Jersey Shore wants to turn heads and contribute to the tanning powers that be.

The goal was to create a line that would allow for a seamless tanning experience–no more tan lines!

Jwoww says the line is “the perfect combo of sexy and functional. You are gonna love it!”

Not for the cold-hearted as these “swim patches” utilize an adhesive that is activated using heat; the more heat, the less worried you have to be about losing your top, which the company says can be re-activated any time one wants! Rumor has it, the suits can be used anywhere between 15 to 20 times before they lose their effectiveness.

The company’s marketing material boasts, “The warmer you get, the more it stays in place!”

The special fabric has a unique silicone base allowing the wearer to remove the straps for the ultimate tan without risking a citation…assuming you tan in non-nude areas.

The suits are said to be 100% waterproof with the patented adhesive “Stick2U” so there’s no fear of catching a wave or two.

The fear may come in the removal process, likened to removing a band-aid–ouchy.

Jenni ‘Jwoww’ Farley is no stranger to fashion, although some experts (and non-experts) beg to differ, the reality star has a clothing line that debuted last year called, “Filthy Couture”…and believe me, it lives fully up to its name. Farley designed the clothing line to be “sexy sophisticated”.

The bikinis on the other hand are designed to be revealing and have their place on the beach or poolside. Some consumers see the idea of no tan lines a good one, but the designs themselves need some serious retooling to compete with any other brand already on the market.